Category: Asia

When I was in Cambodia a few years ago, I was disappointed I didn’t have enough time to go to Phnom Penh and The KillingRead More

My trip to Cambodia started with a 3 day/2 night bus/boat tour through the Mekong Delta. Before the trip I was picturing “Apocalypse Now” inRead More

From Hoi An I took another overnight sleeper bus (when will I learn) down the coast to Nha Trang. Nha Trang is the largest beachRead More

My best day in Vietnam so far started out at 9am in the morning in rainy, windy weather and me riding bitch on the backRead More

While I didn’t have many expectations of Ha Noi, the city itself was far different than what I imagined it would be. Granted my impressionRead More

While I had heard great things about Laos prior to my arrival, I must admit for me it was disappointing. I met some great friendsRead More

My trip to Laos started with an 11 hour sleeper bus from Sapa to Diem Bien Phu near the Laos border. This worked well becauseRead More