Author: Jordan

Oi! Australia is now the second country I have visited more than once (excluding Canada and Mexico). After my first visit to Australia, I didn’tRead More

For all intents and purposes, that’s all she wrote folks. I’m currently sitting on a bus heading to San Jose, Costa Rica from the PanamanianRead More

Isla Grande is a small island on the Caribbean side, a few hours away from Panama City. Evidently Panamanians from the city flock to itRead More
Panama does not have nearly as many tourists as Costa Rica, and those that are here seem to stay in the typical Tourist places. InRead More

Monteverde is a town in the northwest part of Costa Rica in the mountains known for it’s cloud forest, basically rain forests in…wait for it…waitRead More

So as you may recall, I lost my ATM card moments after arriving in Costa Rica (still traveling without one). Well, the second day inRead More